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How to fix nix "Problem with the SSL CA cert" on macOS

· [Jack Shih]

When using nix operations inside emacs sometime it will show this warning during install packages.

warning: error: unable to download '{SOME_URL}': Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?) (77); using cached version

This warning occur because emacs gui on macOS use system defaut environment variable instead of shell environment variable. Most people on macOS use exec-path-from-shell to fix the path problem. Luckly exec-path-from-shell provide a variable call exec-path-from-shell-variables to import any other environment variables other than PATH.

So we can import NIX_PROFILES and NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE like below to solve the issue.

(use-package exec-path-from-shell
  :ensure t
  (dolist (var '("LC_CTYPE" "NIX_PROFILES" "NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE"))
    (add-to-list 'exec-path-from-shell-variables var))
  (when (memq window-system '(mac ns x))